
How to soundproof your windows

A young brunette girl with braces smiles while playing Jenga outside with another girl.

In today's fast-paced world, finding a quiet and peaceful haven within our homes has become increasingly important. Noise pollution from traffic, construction, and even neighbors and their pets can disrupt our daily lives and affect our well-being.

If you’ve ever been relaxing at home only to be interrupted by any of the disruptions mentioned above, you’ve probably wondered, “What do I have to do to get some peace and quiet?” While you can’t completely soundproof your home, replacing your windows can make a huge difference.

In this blog, we will explore the benefits of replacing your home's windows to keep the noise out and in, creating a calm and peaceful living environment.

What is sound abatement?

Let's first grasp the concept of sound abatement before we delve into its benefits. Sound abatement refers to the process of reducing or blocking the transmission of sound waves from one area to another. In the context of windows, it involves the use of specialized materials and design features to minimize noise infiltration, resulting in a quieter indoor environment.

Understanding the impact of noise

Before we dive into the benefits of window replacement, it's essential to understand the negative effects of noise pollution. Excessive noise can lead to stress, sleep disturbances, decreased concentration, and even health issues like high blood pressure. By addressing this issue, we can significantly improve our quality of life.

How windows affect noise transmission

Windows play a crucial role in the transfer of sound from the outside to the inside of your home. Older, single-pane windows are particularly ineffective at blocking noise due to their thin glass and lack of insulation. They allow sound waves to penetrate easily, leading to unwanted noise seeping into your living space. However, modern windows have been designed to combat this issue and offer enhanced sound insulation.

What to consider when choosing your windows

Noise reduction, or sound abatement, can be achieved through the materials used to build the window. For the most part, it’s the glass in the window that makes the biggest difference. Consider the following options when selecting replacement windows for your home:

  • Multiple Glass Panes

Consider dual-pane glass options to reduce the noise in your home. Noise travels slower through multiple materials, and many older homes still have single-pane windows. By upgrading from a single-pane to a dual-pane glass window, you should notice a significant improvement in the level of noise you hear inside your home.

Infinity replacement windows come standard with a dual-pane glass filled with argon gas between the panes rather than air. Argon gas is denser than air, making it an excellent insulator. And because the frame of Infinity windows is made with Ultrex® fiberglass — the strongest material in the replacement industry — the window frame is slimmer. Less bulk, more glass, better views (and you still get the sound abatement benefits).

  • STC-Upgraded Glass

Upgrading from standard glazing to a Standard Transmission Class (STC) or Outdoor/Indoor Transmission Class (OITC) glass can make a significant difference in the amount of sound that travels through your windowpane.

Selecting a customized insulated glass option means that your window will be manufactured with a thicker interior pane of glass. This acts as a buffer for the typical sounds generated near your home as well as low frequencies coming from nearby traffic or airplanes. Infinity windows can be customized to feature a variety of glass glazing options.

  • Laminated Glass

Another option is to upgrade your windows with laminated glass. A laminated glass upgrade has an even thicker interior glass pane than STC/OITC upgraded features. It is more durable than tempered glass and is often referred to as impact-resistant or safety glass. The Infinity laminated upgrade features a vinyl interlayer, a protective plastic film, between the inner two glass panes. Laminated glass can sometimes cost more than other sound abatement options, but it’s also very effective.

Ratings to pay attention to

There are two common measures of sound performance you may notice when shopping for windows.

  • Sound Transmission Class (STC) rates how much sound is blocked from going through a product.

  • Outdoor-Indoor Transmission Class (OITC) rates how well a barrier blocks sound, with an emphasis on low-frequency noises such as bass-heavy music or a plane flying overhead.

For both STC and OITC ratings, the higher the number the better the sound performance.

Three young girls play with a light brown Collie dog in front of a large brick home.

Enjoy the silence

In short, the right windows with the right glass can make a ton of difference when it comes to keeping the peace. As an added benefit, noise reduction goes both ways. If your dogs like to bark, you or your child plays the drums, or you just like your music loud, new windows will keep the noise in, too (and your neighbors will thank you).

Ready to go window shopping? For more information on choosing the right windows for your home, download our Infinity Window Replacement Guide, or talk with an Infinity expert in your area.

Plan your replacement with confidence